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Friday, 11 April 2008

Simple Web 2.0 Logo

This tutorial is very simple to complete but still gives a nice finish to a cool Web 2.0 style logo for a website etc…only takes around 5 minutes to complete and shows some good techniques which can be used in the future when designing other Web 2.0 Style objects.

Step 1: First of all open up a new document size around 500 x 500 and the background filled with black.

Step 2: Now choose the Type/Text Tool and write out the name of your website or the word you are going to use (I am using the word Photoshop as I normally do and the font “Century Gothic”), when it is written resize to the desired size and put it in the centre of the canvas as shown below:

Step 3: Now simply double click on the text layer and the blending options menu will appear use the settings as shown below to achieve the right outcome:

Outer Glow:

Gradient: (Other colours can be used, play around with different colours until you
get the ones your looking for)


When all the blending options are added click “OK” and you should end up with something similar to below:

Step 4: To finish just add some finishing touches like some light glistens for example and a reflection as shown how to do HERE and you will have an end product as shown below:

Finished Image:

If you have had any problems with this tutorial then don't hesitate to contact me and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

The PSD file is also available if anyone wants to know how to do something or what something looks like then email me at: stevie489@googlemail.com and I will happily mail it back.

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